We are leaving Maine on Tuesday morning as soon as we get loaded.We are going to NY to stay the night then off Wed. morning to Maryland. We don't want to get to MD at night as we need to meet someone for the key to the house there. I will keep everyone posted.
I'm so glad you are coming through NY! Hope to see you for a little bit anyway. Sue
Hello, Holley!
Before I write a long comment I'm going to see if this will even go through (once I wrote something and then couldn't get it posted) - then I'll REALLY write!
Okay, so I guess I CAN post after all!
Anyway, I'm having a sort of slow day today (I'm also kind of sick) so I finally got a chance to catch up on your blog!! I think it was Dan S. that had asked for prayer because you were MOVING and I didn't get a chance to follow up and find out what he was talking about! So now I know, and I am so shocked, it is hard to believe. But all I can imagine is that the Lord has something beyond what you or I can think or imagine, and to believe that He has a plan that is past finding out, but will work together for your GOOD, sister! So much is hard to understand, I KNOW, because it doesn't make ANY sense (like John being a teacher & preacher but having trouble with his "speacher"!), but stay strong in the Lord, my precious friend, for you know not what tomorrow will hold, nor what it will take for your dear hubby to embrace Christ with all he's got. I know it must feel like it just doesn't make sense at all that the Lord would move you to Maine, connect your heart there, all to just move you somewhere else! (Ironically some dear friends of ours, that WE knew in Maine, just moved to Maryland, to pastor an A/G church there) Perhaps Jerry will see what he's missing in Maine when he's away from there? I do pray, dear Holley, that you will be able to continue TRUSTING, without wavering, in the perfect leading and will and timing of our only wise God. HE is able to keep you from falling, so keep looking to Him, every moment. He WILL provide your needs, He says, and He will not leave you nor forsake you. I can only think how you must be feeling right now! I wish I could come and hug you a long time and sit over a l-o-o-o-o-o-n-g cup of tea and share hearts! Be not discouraged, dear friend, this is all part of the plan, only for a season, t'will work out for good in the end, just hang on! I will be praying for you, as I have been! Will try to send you a separate personal e-mail, too. I love you, Holley! Oh, and congratulations (again?) on that precious grandbaby of yours! What a treasure!
XXOO Michele
I finally got to the library to check out your blog. We miss you so much and i'm praying God will work all those details out for you! A youth girl from the church in Pa is spending a week here with us. Rosann helped us for several years after janae was born so its lovely to have her here. She keeps after the house, laundry, cleaning out closets, etc while i sew! I love it!!! We are getting more company this weekend; good friends from the church in Pa. So we have no trouble finding things to do! I go for my big ultrasound next week. We hope to be able to find out if baby is a boy or girl. I am kinda nervous but i want to trust God! Pray for us! We love you Holley and miss you so much. I think the boys mention it every Friday that they wish Holley would still come!Hang in there!
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